Saturday, October 25, 2008

Tapping into Online Opportunities


Have you ever imagined what life would looklike without the use of internet, and broadband connections? Does not matter if the internet was just invented some decades ago, today the true story is that we cannot do without it.

Internet is the new gas in your online living, without it, you would be deprived of valuable contact, and connections to the people, places and products that matter. Don't even dream of a life without it. Remeber some of thsoe popular essay topics :"If you to live on a derst island what is the one thing you would go with? What else - but your wireless laptop !

The Psychology of the Internet

The use of the internet does make you feel somewhat safe - in the sense that it only takes and email to trigger some form of help, no matter what areas of your life needs it. Financial advisers are two for a penny on the internet, and braodband connections are making us lazier by the hour, not even days.

To know that you just a click away from the dream job, mortage application, even your next date, re-establishing contact with your past school mates etc, all of this makes you enjoy a sense of community like never before.

What else can you od online? Your imagination is just the only barrier, if you can dream it, as they say, then you can have it on the internet. Too old for learning? Well, that was your teacher told you so you could listen more, and od well in your schools days. Have you behaved better evr since then? Well, the internet has come to yoru rescue thus giving you a second chance that your teacher never had - or possibly is yet to discover till now.

What's on Your Kitchen Table

Hopefully you have a laptop, and whatever accessories may be required to connect, print, and upload unto the internet. You need a printer, a scanner, camera- the more digital , the better.

This your Kitchen Table, must have storage spaces for your CDs, DVDs, etc; places holders for your pen, diary, notebook, business and personal contacts, magazines etc. You are only limited by your imagination.

On your wall you should have a small board to allow you apste notes on appointments, reminders, project time tables/time lines, photos of prototypes etc

Just Do It !

What project have you put off till now; well, not anymore.

It's about time to get down to it, and do what you have always wanted to do."Procrastination ," they say, "is the thief of time." Crus this theif, and not let rob you of destiny, and your calling.

The best time is now; the worst time is never

Saturday, October 18, 2008

KTEs and the Nature of Innovative Entrepreneurship


I remember reading a quote from a man of wisdom. It goes to the effect that the mark of any work of excellence is to make it look simple, and almost natural. How so true about cooking anything of quality in the kicthen. The best dish is one which you cannot see or guess how much labor went into cooking it, and all the ingredients don't come screaming at you. The blending, adding of flavor and other ingredient that help to mask the amount of labour is what makes simplicity the watchword of every excellent chef.

What does this imply for the kitchen table entrepreneur? Take a look at every innovative work of genius, you are immediately struck by the simplicity, wide applicability, and the global relevance . How would its ound if the telephone could only used in only one country, or restricted to a region? What would it be for global communication for the internetto only be limited to only one country, or designed in such manner that only a small group of people can use? Well, we know that China is not excatly averse to innovation, and is on top of technological innovations in all fields of human endeavour. The one bane of poor or third world countries has been their limited ability to deploytechnology on a more global scale.

The Global Currencies of Innovation

Kitchen table entrepreneurship is about impacting the global community with innovations that make life liveable by lessening the burden of living comforatbly, improving communication, and empowering the world of commerce both locally, and globally.

It is important that every innovation looks at the usefulness and ocntributions that thie rinnovative work would make to the society. Some good, some bad. Every work of innovation hold the capability to do good or evil, to lift or put down any person, or group of people.

It is also impoartant to keep in mind that opportunity is all over the place, awaiting to be discovered, lurking in the corners of unknown societal needs, and awaiting to be put together by the KTEs who know where their onions.

The Society is Always in Dynamic Crisis

The one crisis that we often seem to pay attention to is the unfortunate version in Iraq, Middles East and other troubled spots of the world. But a look at any deprived regions, state or nation would reveal that there are many missing puzzles in the equation of societal and global development. Every society has its own quota of the unemployed, failed businesses, ghettoes, and various forms of impoverishments that destroy the fabric of societal belogingness.

The concerns of inequality in the society drove the like of Adam Smith, John Locke, Karl Marx, and many newest versions of these innovative thinkers to find ways and means of creating equality in the society. The arrival of enterpreneurship on the scene of economic development has proved a coup d'etat of unequalled proportions, and drastically tipped the balance on the side of those who believe in working from the garages, kitchen tables, home offices, instead of going to the battle field to kill others so that ideoligical forces would triumph over innovative thinking.

The likes of Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Steve Jobs, and many others who have used the power of the kitchen table, or such similar humble beginnings to grow multi-billion dollar indutries have really created a legacy that no one ever though was possible. Today, it has become a common place.

Connecting the Kitchen Table to the People

A simple experiment for you. Take a look at your computer, laptop, mobile phone, and any technological innovations around you. Where did they come? Take a look at the work of Michealangelo, Cezzane, Da Vinci and the many other pioneesr in any fieild of thought, and innovation. You would see how much they connect with people's emotional, psychological, and the mental needs. Some people specialize in teaching their works, and yet make a decent living from these craetors who are long dead and thought to be of no use to us anymore.

When your business angel come calling, asking about the viability of your product ideas, thoughts, and creations, what they are essentially trying to understand is to evaluate your contributions, and what makes them unique to worth any dollar of investment.

Therefore, it would be very good to have some way of guidng yourself on the viability of your ideas in the public domain. Below is what i call the AIETA factor, which you can use as a measuirng stick whilst working on your next kitchen table project:

1. Awareness

The one great factor that would help build the acceptability of your innovative idea or invention is for people to be aware of it. Of use is the meal that never gets to the dinning table. The gusets hav enot set their eyes on it,a nd would not be too wrong to scorn your cooking skill, because you never brought it to where they exepected to find it. You must work hard to encourage people to know that your product is alive and kicking.

2. Interest

Now that you have succeeded in bringing your productto the marketplace, the next stage is building people's curiosity to use so they use your product. Remember that it is not easy to get people to part with their money is in the market place, they need to be attracted to using the product. Curiosity in the marketplac emust not be a flash in the pan, but must be sustained, and continually fed to keep it alive.

3. Evaluation

It is important that some form of quality assurance takes place after people begin to use. You waant to zero in on the favourite users of your product, where they live, their age group,a nd where they may best be located. This would help you to build a picture of possible users in other localities, and distant places that you cannot reach at this stage.

This stage would help you to fix things that rae not right, not working well, falling below customer expectations, the price, the distribution channels, and users etc. It another stage for you to educate yourself in relation to what the customers want.

4. Trial

By now you have retuned your product, and allowing it to come to the market again to be used by your customers. This time you want to see if you have created a product that the market wants, and is ready to buy.

Alos you want to increase the number of people who are prepared to use the product, ensure that the price is right, and meeting the needs of every category of your customer base.

5. Adoption

At this stage are the people willing to adopt and use it. It has become strong enough to compete with competitors, and fight its way through the market. You are probably pushing the product to be a market leader in its own niche.

The implementation of this phase is critical to success. The product needs to adapt to market situations, and use. The pricing must encourage adoption, and creative payment methods must allow appeal to all category of users.


The purpose of every innovation is to meet the challenge of connecting to the needs of business and society in the marketplace. How this connection takes place needs to be systematically planned for, and the convenience of use for the end-users would play a major role in the survival of the product in the targetted marketplace.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Global Economic Crunch : How KTEs Can Rise From the Ashes


Today, i would like to talk about the ongoing global finacial, and economic situation. Not from the sandpoint of recounting all that you know - how bad it, how global it has become, and the fact of the unpredicatble nature of things in general....all of this you know or must have heard about.

Rahther than make your ears to ache with the burden of repeating these hackneyed and boring details, i would like us to go down a different route today.

Implication for Growth and Development

I don't know hwo it happens but, it is true that chaos happens to be one, if not the greatest facilitator of gwoth and development. In all of human history, great leaps happen most ofetn after a war, some chaos, and truly tragic situations. My best guess is that it has to do with the nature of human beings in general.

In these hard times, we know that millions of people worldwide would go hungry, starve, and die. Whilst this might be the fate of the poor, it is also true that even wealthy nation now have to contend with unemployment, redundancy, organisational destruction etc. So it is neither here nor there. The reality is we must have to live by it, learn the lessons we need to learn, and move on.....FAST.

These period of economic crunch must also be seen as the period of sowing the seeds of s greataer global welath, prosperity for all nations who too are able to catch the vision of taking the next great leap in economic development.

KTEs must realise that there are great opportunities that lie ahead for people of all nations. The ongoing global economic is not really destroying everything in its trail. It is keping some, destroying some, and seeding some great opportunities as it goes along. Smart businesses are alos on the prowl to buy up distressing businesses, redesign business structures, and put new things in place to meet the challenges of the times.

The KTE Must Not Sleep

The reality is that the marketplace iscurrently fighting a war of its own. But talk about the crumbs that fall from the masters. Some dogs of fortune are really making some great picking as you are reading this blog (no, stay with me, don't rush off to join them just yet, stay with me).

The KTE needs to stay awake, must not sleep until he gets his hands wet and dirty in the jungle of great opportunities. Because the thieves of the times are now on the prowl, it is imperative that the KTEs don't make any silly moves.

It is about time you make a determined effort to discover your very own acre of diamond - that acre of golden opportunities, doing what you really love to put your heart into, and moving the mountains to make things happen.

Golden Opportunities

Without a doubt, these are great times of great opportunities, hidden in the bowels of this century. We must make effort to discover these opportunities. It is important for anyone, and everyone to take these opportunities serious, and to give them the attention that they deserve.

Right on your kitchen table to can figure out milions of things, create new opportunities, venture forth in new directions o fcreativity, inventions, and entrepreneurship.

Economic crunches happen to disorientate people, confuse intentions, distract from multimillion dollar projects, and many more other things. Opportunity is always looking for a home, make a generous move to embrace, tame, and culture it to meet the global needs of all nations and peoples.

it sis for times that the young innovative and determined entrepreneurs are designed to make their mark. A students can focus his attention on any things of interest and be rest assured that by stepping up the gas, eventual success is possible.


The reality of the day is that global crucnh is taking its toll on the world, but it would aome and go. But also i have raised the issue on how we can best tap into these opportunities.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

KTEs - Making Your Contributions


It may sometimes be observed that KTEs have the mindset of one who is in a hurry - to get things done, imaptient with the normal and mundane things of life. He would probably ignore the school or college curriculum because he is not fully convinced that human creativity and aspiration for innovation goes by the book. Does it?

In addition to ensuring that children, youths and adults are well taught, it must be well understood that the school curriculum might be grossly insufficient to meet the needs of the gifted and talented (G &T) in our society. Entrepreneurship can help to identify the needs of the society through the provision of needed incentives that empower the gifted and talented to make their required contributions.

Identifying Your Areas of Contributions

As learners and contributors in all walks of life, there are about six areas of development that we must be aware of, and which can serve as agencies of self-expressions of our creative and innovative development. There areas are: Physical Development, Social and Emotional Development, Intellectual Development, and Language Development.

I would now proceed to explain how KTEs may make their contributions through developing the required entrepreneurial spirit in these domains of development.

1. Physical Development - In the use of physical strength, equipment, and the use of play in fostering the healthy development of man in the society. Some people are also into challenging or extreme sports which may help to develop them physically in the use air, water,sand, and the equipments that facilitate play in these environments.

2.Social Development - In the use of collective strength of people as a group or individuals in coming together to embark on projects with the chief aim of making positive contributions in the community to which they belong. it is about empowering people to share, create wealth together, and make global conrtibutions in enriching world cultural through any available channels.

3. Emotional Development - The use of the internet to distribute music is part of the achievment in using every available channel of creativity to encourage the global expression of emotions, improve the wellbeing of all men, regardless of race, location, and regions.

KTEs who choose this area as their true calling do things that would empower others to regain their self-esteem, restore their psychological, and emotioan wellbeing through recreations, tarvel, relationships etc

4. Intellectual Development - The use of man's intellectual development is fundamental to the complete expression of one's ability and creative genius. KTEs can be of the intellectual hue, with a knack, and passion to do research, inform, teach, and train in an innovative and inspiring way. They also liase with other industry players to make their contributions to the development of commerce in the society.

5. Language Development - This may be the premise of writers, and users of language in expressing outstanding ideas, and creative visions. KTEs who have a passion for language may also pursue careers in film, digital enterprise, and other outlets of creative pursuits for the development of the society.

By virtue of their masterly use of language they could combine the features of each of the above areas of development,a nd recombine them to do works of journalism, analysis, authorship, design, multi-lingualism, teaching, mediators etc

KTEs at Work : Things To Do

Every KTE must have a to do list. Wanting to do innovative and creative work does not excuse anyone from ensuring that they work smart at their projects, not taking anything for granted.

Education i scritical to any great achivement. The focus of the KTE is to be smart about the needs of the marketplace, taking advantage at what information is possible. He must make efforst to educate himself on being well informed on available developments in his area of competence, the nature of the society, it's needs, and nuances, exisiting technology, styles,a nd tools, the missing links in the work of other who have gone before, andtaking relevant actions to renew, create or render them redundant through new innovative ventures.


In this blog post, i have taken the posture that the KTE may be classed amongst the company of the gifted and talented, regardless of age, sex, region or status.

I have also highlighted the areas of development in which the KTE may discover and exercise his potential as an innovative member of the world community. The areas of Physical, intellectual, Language, Emotional, and Social development form the basis on which true learning may be based, and used to discover the talent of very individual. True empowerment of the individual comes from realising that

Monday, October 13, 2008

What Can KTEs Do in a Cafe Shop?

You must know them. They are called cafes. you see them almost everywhere, some hidden in corners, some on the high street, but they are often all over the place. Often, they look so ordinary, and basic. But the truth is Cafe shops are quite a very strategic place to meet people, discuss with business angels, as one pursues endlesss possibilities in the marketplace.

Demographically, Cafe shops are very popular to locals, students and professionals of all shades and colours. In the City you find the business exceutives reading financial broadsheets, whilst relaxing over a cup of coffee . You know what names they bear - Starbucks, Cafe Nero, and many others that are of the Italiano, Portuguese origin.

But i wonder what you might think of these rather quiet hide outs, where researchers, writers and programmer go to spend their evening. These cafe shops are the new pubs because they literally proliferate our landscape. But there is more to them than meets the eyes.

Let us consider a few of the factors that make them attractive to any KTE

1. Simplicity of Design - These cafes are very aesthetic, and pleasant to look at. Tkey don't carry with them the opulence that reeks, and spoils the quality of any creative work or enterprise.

2. Private public space - It is amazing how many people may gather in a coffess shop, and yet maintain their sense of privacy in apuvblic environment

3. Optimized lighting - The lighting in most cafes are quite of the soft touch variety, and quite effective in using them in the cafe

4. Free Writing/Coffee Table = Nothing is impossible. Often one can take advantage of the opportunities that gets in using the coffee table to do some creative work such as writing, drawing, and sketching, without being a nuisance to the other users.

5. Time - Being in a cafe doing some creative work makes on feel as though has stolen time away, and used to enrich the cafe envioronment, in quietude, pleasantness of feeling, a deep sense of peacefulness and stealng to stoke the creative fires in the individual.

6. Flexibility - You are not tied to suing any cafe, though this might be the best practice to ensure flow in creative continuity, hanging locations when one feels like it, and being in control of how one spends their time as long as it remains within the opening and closing hours of the cafe of choice.

7. Buying time with Coffee - How many places can you go without being shown the door for sitting so long without buying anything for self and others. The environment is truly friendly.

Every KTE must aspire to bring the world into their space, no matter how simple or aesthetic.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Tools of the Trade: Equipping KTEs For Performance

What is this fuzz about the KTEs you may ask? They have been around for quite sometime, and that there does not seem to be much to their trade you might think. But the truth is that there is more to it than meets the eyes.

The simplicity o working literally from your kicthen tabel does, and may not for sometime attract any attention - well of course, apart from what this blog is doing at the moment; bringing the KTEs to the forefront of of global attention.

But thodays blog is about understanding what tools the KTEs might need to perfect and excel in their work, no matter their calling. For too long, i have felt that entrepreneurship is a form of calling, as it aims to serve humanity in one or another.

Back on track then. What tools would a KTE need to do well, and improve their performance at the kicthen table, no matter what that may be.

Let's briefly look at some of these tools:

1. Holding Boxes and Trays - To hold books, papers, files and other relevant documents, hardware or software that would be of use when working on any project.

2. Books - The KTE i snot working just from the top of his head. He is work is based on building the work of others, and the way to take it forwrad is where the KTE adds the extra touch of genius that differentiates them from everyone else. The KTE is a tireless and relentless driver of innovation, iif and when he selects his enterprise with care, and devotion.

3. Cabinet Draws etc - Another holding place, to protect, preserve, and foster the growth of his/her work.

4. Computers/Laptop - This is to computerise any work being done. It makes writing of documents easier, and facilitates the sharing of work with other. This brings me to the next invaluable tool of the trade - internet, and computer networks.

5. Internet Connections - It is imperactive in this day and age to ensure that one gets connected on th einternet. There are many service providers, and shopping around to get the most competitiev offer is worth it. It is imporatnt not to get buried in books alone, but to serach the world wide web,a nd discover some hidden gem right from the comfort of your kicthen desktop - that sound nice, and cool. Isn't it?

6. Kettle for Coffee/Tea/Chocolate - Coffee is my take. I don't know what your is. But it helps to get a drink when you need it, either tired or to just craet another diversion from your concentrated work when you need it the most.

7. Stationery - Writing materials of all types - pen, pencils, jotters and anything that can help in documenting and capturing the essence of your work. Th emore you have in stock, the better. It saves you having to go out every now ,and again.

8. Electronic Gadgets - Now am not just talking game cube, some ninitendo stuff. But things like calculators, camera, phones etc all come in handing. You may be able to create pictures to use in your powerpoint presentation, for you website, make money of youtube, and what have you. I really encourage you to take advantage of the various sales offers that make it possible for you to acquire some of these tools for your creative pursuits,a nd making money from what you love. It pays to ahve a hobby, truly.

9. Outdoors Play Equipment - Every KTE must have some kind of outdoor play sessions. Not necessarily anything big - a bike, a visit to a neighbourhood park to use their equipments would help to refresh you thoughts and to strengthen you physically. In addition, it would profit your emotions, mind,a nd thoughts. Ourdoor play is great education.

Checking Learning

  • Based on what we have discussed today, what can you remember about the KTEs tools of trade?
  • What else do youthink might be of help or useful for KTEs to include in their toolkit.

  • Can i get your comments, please?

Friday, October 10, 2008

Discovering Your Kitchen Table

The one thing to be aware of is that every entrepreneur starts out differently. As they say many road lead to the market mall. Hopefully, each entrance to the mall is well secured and guarded to give the shoppers a great peace mind.

Yes, as i said there are many roads that lead to the market mall. Entrepreneurs are of different shades. Some enterpreneurs are into wearing suit, some are into casual dressing. But they are all agreed that presentation matters.

Fortoday, i owuld like us to focus on how you may really an dtruly discover your kitchen table. But first of, let us understand the pyschology that surround the kitchen table practice of many entrepreneurs.

Undertanding the Psychology of KTEs

Often when we read about people starting businesses from their kicthen table, we may wonder if entrepreenurship could be so easy as for any one to start any business from the kitchen table. We may even think that these breed of entrepreneurs are possibly lazy, and being too laid back in their approach to the pursuit of entrepreneurship. But is this really so?

Psychologically, from the standpoint of the Kitchen Table Entrepreneur (KTE), it is often best to start small and grow big. This way the mental approach helps to prepare a more relaxed attitude in behaviour, helping to cut out all clutter in starting a business. The kitchen table is symbolic of one wanting to work in a relaxed, focussed and determined manner on whatever project that is at hand.

Afterall, the kicthen is where we cook our meal, and preapre the food that help to nourish our body. We go about cooking in a fun filled manner, following the recipe as religiously as possible, taking account of what we add, what should not be added, how long to cook the meal before its ready, and also we do enjoy one ofthe partnership in the kitchen when others come to join us to savour the meal, ensure that it tastes great. We also enjoy the convivial and friendly environment that we create when others work with us to make the cooking possible.

The table symbolises that surface on which we have contracted to work on any project, working in a systemaatic fashion to find solution to market needs, and problems. If we think it right, plan in right, it is always expected taht we would achieve very good results. The kicthen table is therefore, the test bed for creating, testing and working on ideas beforethey get to the marketplace.

Well, the idea has got to the marketplace, does that stop you from being a KTE? Perhaps yes, and no. What you want to do is to enjoy the comfort, and the peace of mind that you are not having to pay for an office space whilst your trialling your business idea. The business angels and venture capitalists are the big guys you want to parner with you in the kitchen while you are busy working on your idea and projects. These guys can smell good business from afar, and would move the earth for you.

Therefore another thing to understand about the useof the kitchen table, is that it is not designed to put you under pressure on the need to pay for rented space at the end of the month. The kitchen table is symbolic of peace of mind whilst you go through the stormy phases of working out on your ideas. If the idea does not work, then you can easily clear the table, and take a break, and no headlines to make you feel jittery about the removal men, and being taken into administration etc. the story can come later after you have broken through the barriers, not before. What news goes out about your business effort is all under your control.

Finding your Kitchen Table

So apart from the kitchen desktop that we all know about, where else can we use as our place to starting a business without costing the earth, andenjoying the peace of mind till we break through and succeeed at our business ventures.

Let's think about a couple of places:

1. The Kitchen Table/Desktop itself

You should already have one, or possibly can use your friend kitchen table/desktop. A littel corner equipped for working, and safeguarded whilst working on it. Ensure that the space is useable, optimized for working on your ideas.

2. Garage

Thcse come in various shades, and forms. You may possibly find them advertised in local, and national newspapers. It may involve you having to travel to site before you can use it. If it is you family of personal property then that is great.

Forthose who rent you may have to look at the convenience, and how posisble for you to move in your computers and other working equipments to make them available for use.

You may need a few garages depending on what your business is all about. Some businesses need a holding place for products and equipments, and naother for administrative and customer service centres. The possibilities are endless.

But you must be aware that this may not be as free as the normal kicthen desktop that is easily within your reach, and immediately available for use.

3. Spare Rooms/Home Office

This is spare room in a house. It may also double as a home office. What you want to ensure is that you really have the liberty to work on your own, or use this rooms without any disturbance.

The spare room may be rented, as long a syou can afford it, and it is secured enough for you to trust that you equipments and vaulable won't go missing or stolen. You really must guard your self aagainst all forms of theft, mugging, and deprivation - even of sleep when required

4. Shared Space

Part of being a successful entrepreneur is also learning to share spaces and things. Look to carving some little psace for your business ventures. Be aware that what needs to be done must be done now. There is no use bemoaning the lack of space, when you can actually start something in a shared space or room, observe some modesty, deuce spending, and be more disciplined in pursuing your business dreams. No one evr told you it was going to be all rosy, and ven if it was, there is guarantee that some thorn would be hiding in the mix.

Shared spaces are very great for those who have to use it as the last resort. However, keep a diary, document your work like crazy, hang up a calender to track your work, and remind you of your milestones etc. It puts you miles of one who wakes up, andgoes , hoping against hope that someday would come when they would have a house to themselves before thye can start their dream projects...may be not.

5. Park Benches and the like

Hmnnnn, i hear you say. What can we do with park benches.. a lot. I know some park benches are great places of escape for people who like to read, and in the quiet place. If you come equipped with a pack lunch and stationery in an outdoor rucksack, you can also sit on park benches ane do some quality writing, whilst enjoying the sight of beautiful scenery, and relaxed atmosphere. I reckon that other authors like web designers, software programmers and many of the same shade can enjoying the use of neighbourhood parks when working on projects and business ventures.

Remember to come with soem drinks, and sun cream to avoid sunburns. Mothers and fathers who come with their children in the buggies should remember to ocme along with some toys, and even do some reading to the child to foster a bonding relationship whilst working on that great project.

5. Friends, or Personal Cars

Your car can also double as a place to spend some wonderful on some literary or business ideas. It easily fall into the category of park benches, but with the slant that you would need to find a parking space where you would not incur crippling charges on parking spaces or congestion charges, if you live in the UK, for example.

6. A Living/Bedroom

You may use a bedroom as a place for doing some or all of your work. However, you owuld have to think on the available space, plugs to use if you want to use a computer, a place for writing, and summarising your daily tasks or To Do Lists (TDLs).

Don't ignore issues of ventilation, safety and convenience of others. For example, don't play the music loud and cause disturbance when you alreday know hwat great incovenience you cause otehr people by using up the living/bedroom space for your projects. Be considerate at all times.

7. Business Serviced Offices

These are business offices, and amy not be that cheap. However, they are viable options if you don't mind a bit of travelling, and possibly want to raise your buisness profiles with your clients.

Sure, it is more expensive, but worth every penny if consider that you really should not have meeting in the park orkicthen with a business angel, unless they ask to meet with you where your work is taking place. Presentation matters, and first impression counts.

If you can afford to rent a business office, then do it bearing in mind that it saves you alot of hassles in your business exposure, and in the way you present yourself. As time goes on, you owuld reach a stage where image is almost everything, if not everything.