Tuesday, October 14, 2008

KTEs - Making Your Contributions


It may sometimes be observed that KTEs have the mindset of one who is in a hurry - to get things done, imaptient with the normal and mundane things of life. He would probably ignore the school or college curriculum because he is not fully convinced that human creativity and aspiration for innovation goes by the book. Does it?

In addition to ensuring that children, youths and adults are well taught, it must be well understood that the school curriculum might be grossly insufficient to meet the needs of the gifted and talented (G &T) in our society. Entrepreneurship can help to identify the needs of the society through the provision of needed incentives that empower the gifted and talented to make their required contributions.

Identifying Your Areas of Contributions

As learners and contributors in all walks of life, there are about six areas of development that we must be aware of, and which can serve as agencies of self-expressions of our creative and innovative development. There areas are: Physical Development, Social and Emotional Development, Intellectual Development, and Language Development.

I would now proceed to explain how KTEs may make their contributions through developing the required entrepreneurial spirit in these domains of development.

1. Physical Development - In the use of physical strength, equipment, and the use of play in fostering the healthy development of man in the society. Some people are also into challenging or extreme sports which may help to develop them physically in the use air, water,sand, and the equipments that facilitate play in these environments.

2.Social Development - In the use of collective strength of people as a group or individuals in coming together to embark on projects with the chief aim of making positive contributions in the community to which they belong. it is about empowering people to share, create wealth together, and make global conrtibutions in enriching world cultural through any available channels.

3. Emotional Development - The use of the internet to distribute music is part of the achievment in using every available channel of creativity to encourage the global expression of emotions, improve the wellbeing of all men, regardless of race, location, and regions.

KTEs who choose this area as their true calling do things that would empower others to regain their self-esteem, restore their psychological, and emotioan wellbeing through recreations, tarvel, relationships etc

4. Intellectual Development - The use of man's intellectual development is fundamental to the complete expression of one's ability and creative genius. KTEs can be of the intellectual hue, with a knack, and passion to do research, inform, teach, and train in an innovative and inspiring way. They also liase with other industry players to make their contributions to the development of commerce in the society.

5. Language Development - This may be the premise of writers, and users of language in expressing outstanding ideas, and creative visions. KTEs who have a passion for language may also pursue careers in film, digital enterprise, and other outlets of creative pursuits for the development of the society.

By virtue of their masterly use of language they could combine the features of each of the above areas of development,a nd recombine them to do works of journalism, analysis, authorship, design, multi-lingualism, teaching, mediators etc

KTEs at Work : Things To Do

Every KTE must have a to do list. Wanting to do innovative and creative work does not excuse anyone from ensuring that they work smart at their projects, not taking anything for granted.

Education i scritical to any great achivement. The focus of the KTE is to be smart about the needs of the marketplace, taking advantage at what information is possible. He must make efforst to educate himself on being well informed on available developments in his area of competence, the nature of the society, it's needs, and nuances, exisiting technology, styles,a nd tools, the missing links in the work of other who have gone before, andtaking relevant actions to renew, create or render them redundant through new innovative ventures.


In this blog post, i have taken the posture that the KTE may be classed amongst the company of the gifted and talented, regardless of age, sex, region or status.

I have also highlighted the areas of development in which the KTE may discover and exercise his potential as an innovative member of the world community. The areas of Physical, intellectual, Language, Emotional, and Social development form the basis on which true learning may be based, and used to discover the talent of very individual. True empowerment of the individual comes from realising that

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