Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Looking For Meaning: What Does KTE Stand for?

Today, we are looking at the possible meanings we could give to each of the letters in "Kitchen Table Entrepreneur" I hope you enjoy it in the self same fun with which i have created it:

K : Knowledge becomes power ONLY when used

I : Inspiration turns ordinary concepts to extra-
ordinary reward

T : Time is money

C : Creativity truly knows no bounds

H : Honour humanity with your talents

E : Ensure that gifts are justifiably used

N :Nothing is impossible for those who believe

T : Take a chance at life

A : Attitude determines your altitude in life

B : Be positive at all times, no matter the

L Limiting beliefs MUST be broken

E: Enter the enterprise of entrepreneuship
boldly and courageously

E : Exploit opportunities to maximum
advantage, regadless of time and place.

N :Nothing of worth comes cheap, and easy

T :Talent MUST be nurtured to grow

R : Refresh your thoughts through study and

P : Prioritize your projects, and stay on top
of things

R : Responsible action must be taken at all

E :Embrace change, don't be stagnant

N :Never underestimate your ability to achieve

E :Environment matters to the achievement success

U : Uncharted waters need us to put out our
sails, and journey forth

R : Rejoice and receive success with gratitude

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